How can we help?
Seeking help and support is a very important step.
We recognise, as a parent/carer, you can make a significant contribution to supporting your child’s drug or alcohol related need. We can help you develop an understanding of drugs and their effects and support you to talk to your children with knowledge and confidence.
The key step in dealing with drug or alcohol related issues is finding someone to talk to. The Matrix team are trained to listen and can help you work through your problems supporting you through this difficult time.
MATRIX work is CONFIDENTIAL and we know parents/carers often look for anonymity and the phone is a good way of ensuring this. Although it may be difficult to make the call, the earlier that you seek help for yourself and your child the better.
We can also offer you a face to face consultation with a worker to help identify your needs even if your child/young person is reluctant to access the service.
Whatever path you take at this point, know that there are many caring professionals who want to help you successfully manage the situation